A software developer,
changed into a business consultant,
changed into a personal coach.
I love to work with motivated and talented people, regardless if they are bootstrapping their own startup or working in an enterprise environment. The human connection is key for me to succeed.
I am deeply involved in everything regarding web-technology. I love to test new things and play with innovative and new tools. Usually, I use open source software where possible. I also do open source eligible parts of the software I create.
Now, I can help you set ground with your company or freelancing work. If you are part of a team or a manager of one, I can create a strategy for you (and your team) that not only works for everyone involved, but helps people unleash their full potential.
Passionate about one thing: YOUR SUCCESS

1 %
Improve one percent, everyday. In all aspects of your life. It adds up to a lot more than „just“ 365 percent per year, because it builds up over time.
10 %
Learn something new every week. Invest minimum ten percent of your time in expanding your knowledge, learning new skills or tools.
100 %
Put your focus on that, what you do. Nothing else. Just 100 percent of your available attention at the very thing in front of you.
For more than the past 2 decades I worked on a wide variety of projects and founded several companies. Here you can find an excerpt of significant projects and their description.
If you want to know more about my open-source development, head over to GitHub or have a look at my Sourcerer Profile. Please note, that some of my business-related source-code is closed source. To see a list of my open-source projects, head over to my other website.

AIRY GreenTech GmbH, together with the Fraunhofer Institute developed and created one of the best indoor air quality sensors available on the market. All sensors would relay their multiple measurements into a global multi-datacenter cloud, that acted as a central hub for airy-quality data.
A mobile app could be used as the interface to manage multiple sensors on multiple locations, including a multi-tenant approach for sales-people and building biologists.
I was responsible for the overall architecture of that global IoT platform, including all its subsystems, mobile-app and metrics-storage. This included a patent-pending self-automated actionable system for evaluated metrics for automated Smart-Home Integration.

AIRY GreenTech GmbH sold Air-purifing plants and special designed pots all over the world. It was my responsibility to onboard new international partners. I created an automated system, that would allow me to spin-up a predefined airy-branded websites with a custom domain as well as a shopware system, already attached to our Product-Information Management System within 3 minutes.
This platform could easily be extended and ran our self-healing cloud of the multi-tenant partner software.

For kuuluu Intertactive and the Rockband Linkin Park I was Lead Backend Developer for a high-traffic multi-datacenter 3D Socialgame on Facebook, exclusively built for Linkin Park as part of their social association Music For Relief and Power The World, funded and promoted by the United Nations.
The game was all about saving energy and allowed players to donate money to support Power The World. Also, the band Linkin Park released their first single "A light that never comes" from the album "Recharged" because players achieved a certain global community score in the game.
The backend would allow realtime statistics and evaluation of million players playing concurrently all over the world. it contained player-progress, inventory, achievements, in-game messaging and realtime leaderboards.

On the verge of Groupon and daily deals shops popping up every day, I co-founded a company called ShopYeti. Our goal was to aggregate all daily deals from different sources into one, easy to use and entertaining website. All deals have been scraped or API ingested, normalised, categorised and finally were available for the end-user via a nice filter-system.
Using the platform as a user earned you points, which you could put into lotteries to win other products as well. There were many gamification elements in this platform, that were a first-of-its kind. Strategic partnerships with the Heise-Verlag and VZ Netzwerke helped us grow the platform.

ilikemystyle was the first user generated fashion magazine online. It had a great community of fashion-interested people sharing their style with pictures, tagging the elements they wear. Eventually a printed magazine, distributed worldwide followed as well as partnerships with fashion brands and popup-stores.
I maintained and developed the platform over a course of three years, adding lots of features to it. I scaled it up and helped it grow horizontally.

When I bootstrapped CloudContent, it started as a Database-as-a-Service platform. It was one of the very first to utilize a Document-oriented database in a production environment. The feature-set included geo-coding of entries, automated text-analysis, search-engine, status updates and in-database user-management.
Later it allowed scraping and streaming of external objects into the database, that enabled feeding in external data (i.e. social media searches) into the customers storage.

This meta-web crawler was created as a meta-api layer on top of external sources, whether it be APIs or web-scraping. It has been used in conjunction with CloudContent and was basicylly the foundation for ShopYeti, for deal scraping and aggregation.
It was very easy to customize, yet powerful to extract and normalize data from various sources into a given data-structure. It would also transmute specific attributes according to a configuration to inflect data per customers needs.

CakeBase was a german magazine, focused on the popular MVC Framework CakePHP. I wrote a set of articles on how to learn to code web-applications within CakePHP, that could scale and would meet business requirements.
It also featured a Knowledge-Base, that could be used for looking up classes of the framework and how to make best use of them. I covered topics from coding-style, infrastructure as well as deployment processes and best practices for continous integration and automated test-coverage.
It was built and run with the first CakePHP CMS, named Croogo and I partnered with the creator of that project to expand its functionality.

Skillnote was a venture-capital backed startup that tried to revolutionise the way digital workers work together. In essence it was a project-management and time-tracking tool. It unique twist was its very easy to use User-Interface based in the then-new iPad UI from Apple.
We created a clickdummy and a working beta-software that would have all required features, before the startup failed another finance round.

My interest in collecting and analyse metrics lead me to the foundation of MeinZähler. It was designed as a community for people, who wanted to keep track of their power-consumption and compare it with similar house-holds.
It had different ways of collecting meter readings. For later i planned to use the platform as an outsourced element for energy companies to collect their customers power meters, but it closed down before that happened.

As a unique approach for companies to promote their brand and for customers to acquire items for a very low price, I co-founded a company called SpenderKuss. Companies would donate products and services, which users could bid on. The lowest single bid would win the item and allowed the customer to get that item for a very low price.
Most of the money spent was donated to a good cause, the user could choose. That is, why the companies could legally write-off their donations, opening up another budget for marketing.
Social Profiles
Please find links to my profile on social networks and business networks below.
Business Profiles
Social Profiles
Software Development